The Best Invention Ever - YOU podcast was created to honor Valencia Lyles-Saunders.
The 60 Over 60 podcast was created to see if we could interview things with in the 60 category.
The Cocoa Express Show is the marque show that started this whole journey in 2009, with over 500 interviews.
Check us out for our weekly inspirations.
The Cocoa Express Show Fit will showcase fitness trends, and exercises that will benefit your daily routines.
The Cocoa Expess Nutrition will discuss all things food and nutrition.
What's The Word
As we travel on our journey through life, the questions come to us daily on what do we do next. Please remember no matter what the world wishes for you, you have all you need within. Take some time and be still. Allow the world to pause in your mind just for a few minutes. At that time all the answers will be revealed.
You are blessed!